Memorial Day Mat Meet Mania!

With three mat meets on tap, the Prone Surfing Gods have chosen to assert themselves on Planet Earth this weekend!

First up is another UK Mat Meet, Numero 10, which is scheduled for the 26th/27th. The venue chosen is, according to the lovable eccentrics at, "West Cornwall...which means From Newquay down." No one outside of the UK has a clue what that means geographically, but that won't dampen the spirit of the UKMS mob! Details here...

The whole "Memorial Day" thing in the UK is kind of weird, since we kicked their asses back in 1776, or thereabouts. Still, big of the blokes to keep us in their thoughts...

Next up is a NY Mat Meet, inspired by Stateside Matters wishing to mirror the UK meet. It's scheduled for the same two days, and held at Rockaway Beach. At least, that's what we've gleaned second and third hand. No one has officially contacted Surfmatters...which is no surprise, as no one every invites us to anything, anywhere, ever.

Then we come to the Big Daddy Of Them All...Charlie Sheen's "Mam-orial Day Poolside Inflatable Invitational."

The key word here being "Invitational." Not only were we not invited to this gathering, Charlie filed a temporary restraining order against 4GF!

Technically, this isn't a Mat Meet...but since when have details mattered to surf matters...especially when "Charlie's Angels" are involved? Sheen promises "fully illustrated" coverage of the event next week!

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