Copyright-Infringing Artist May do Hard Time

Obama Hope 2008




Is it possible to do jail time for copyright infringement?  If you destroy and falsify discovery information during your federal trial, the answer is yes.  You are probably familiar with the iconic Obama posters from the 2008 election.  The hugely successful posters were created by Los Angeles artist Shepard Fairey.  Fairey based the image off a copyright-protected image, owned by the Associated Press.  In 2009, perhaps in a preemptive move, Fairey sued the Associated Press in Federal Court, seeking a declaration that the poster constituted “Fair Use.”  The AP countersued.  Fairey claimed he had used a certain image of Obama with actor George Clooney, when in reality the image was based off a closely cropped solo shot of the presidential candidate.  As the proceedings rolled along, it was discovered that Fairey had created several fake documents and deleted others to try and support his claim.  This, of course, led to a criminal case, to which Fairey pled guilty on February 24th.  He now faces up to 6 months jail time, and $5,000 in fines.

Awesome Student Organization - Bravo!

So glad there are students out there who are not giving in to peer pressure and are standing up for themselves. These students are outstanding leaders! Students Against Destructive Decisions is one of those organizations. Bravo to this great example of healthy self-esteem and the promoting of good choices.

In the last few days, SADD has been in the news regarding a recent study on teen marijuana use. In the study, 19% of students admitted driving while stoned.

Michael Jordan Trademark Issue in China

Michael Jordan can certainly relate to Apple’s trademark nightmare in China.  Jordan recently filed a law suit in China against the Chinese company Qiaodan for using his name without permission since 2000.  Qiaodan means “Jordan” in Chinese, and that name is synonymous with basketball there.  Qiaodan has actually filed trademark applications with a trademark attorney for many Jordan-related themes, even names of his children.

According to Michael Jordan:

“It is deeply disappointing to see a company build a business off my Chinese name without my permission, use the number 23 and even attempt to use the names of my children.”

Qiaodan has over 100 Jordan-related trademarks, and its sales are booming in China. Apple’s uphill battle is probably not a good indicator of how Jordan would fare in Chinese intellectual property court.

Cocaine snorting while in the same room as President Obama?

Today we have yet another example that Hollywood doesn’t get it. As far as I'm concerned, consuming cocaine in any way is simply a bad idea. In this FOX news report, not so-funny comedian David Cross is quoted as having said in a recent Playboy interview, that he snorted cocaine at a 2009 White House dinner, in the presence of President Obama. He said he just wanted to say that he did such a thing. Never mind the fact that he was not the primary invited guest, he was the date of his girlfriend Amber Tamblyn (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants), who because of his actions, of which she was unaware, will no longer be welcome at the White House. Guess by now, Amber might be thinking she can do better than David Cross?

Cross, who also admitted to experimenting with various drugs such as crack, said he was neither proud or ashamed of what he did. The first thing I would recommend for David Cross is psychotherapy, because what he did is totally reckless. Cross thinks it’s okay to brag about drug use and does not see that he is setting a poor example for others, who may be inspired by his extremely poor judgment. Furthermore, did cross actually think about the fact that cocaine is a controlled, Schedule I substance and possession is a felony? Did he even think twice about the consequence that he could have been arrested along with his girlfriend?

Now let’s think about what it means to bring a controlled substance into the White House? What does that say about his respect level for our President, who also is an admitted former cocaine user? Is this story about a knit whit thinking he’s funny or is it about provoking government drug policy in general? President Obama has a pretty tough stance against drug use, though I really wish he would personally take a more public position on his stance.

As for David Cross, he should be ashamed of himself.

Well Done Lindsay! One Day At A Time

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10 Tips for Long-term Sobriety

1. Every morning, think of 10 things you are grateful for.

2. Say a prayer for those who are lost in addiction.

3. Eat healthy and exercise.

4. Stay away from things that make you uncomfortable.

5. Be interested in helping others but remember charity begins at home.

6. Always say thank you, always say please and do it with a smile.

7. Educate yourself.

8. Listen.

9. Be reliable and do it right.

10. Love yourself.

The Edge

Trying to get people to understand what addiction really does is not all that simple, but in this post I'm going to try to offer some perspective. There are many different forms of addiction and many different drugs people get addicted to. There is a place called “hitting bottom”, there is a place called “a high bottom” and “a low bottom.” There is also a place called “the edge” and by hitting bottom we get closer and closer to it.

Where “hitting bottom” means having done enough social damage, damage to health and finances, “hitting bottom” can still mean a person understands they have done so and are able to pull him or herself out of the problem by finding help and learning to take direction in recovery and getting back to a healthy life.

A “high bottom” is when a person still has a house, a car, a job, family and friends, yet is burdened with addiction. People with a “high bottom” usually are able to check in to a high priced facility and get clinical and medical help for his or her problem. These people are at risk of going to “the edge” if they relapse.

A “low bottom” is when a person has lost his or her home, the support of family and friends, has lost his or her job and basically lives on the street or is in jail. If lucky enough, this person is capable to get to a community based A.A. meeting, and is able to follow the principles of a 12 Step program, to some extent fully, yet more often than not they go back out and relapse. These people are at great risk of going to “the edge”.

“The edge” is a place where a person can be either rich or poor. They are already at the bottom, either high or low. People at the edge are hardcore addicts like Amy Winehouse or Michael Jackson was, for example. They have extreme physical signs of dehydration, emaciation, scarring and tooth decay. Their behavior shifts from sweet and sensitive to abrasive and hurtful in a nanosecond. These people have serious cognitive impairment, also referred to as brain damage, are conscious of it, yet they would never tell.

This damage to the brain, caused by the caustic effects of hardcore drug abuse, causes brain cell damage. Just imagine, if a drug can melt off tooth enamel like meth or cocaine can, imagine what it can do to the brain? When part of the brain stops working, it affects other parts of the brain as well. Communication and motor skill function present obvious signs of impairment; caused by neurotransmitters trying to communicate with the central nervous system. Neurotransmitters reach cell-damaged parts of the brain, causing what is known as uncontrollable “voices in your head.” This is the edge.

These so-called “voices” are an alarming and enormous problem and it is extremely difficult to reverse and come out of this state. Even after a hardcore addict quits, the problems persist because part of the thought process cannot be controlled and has a devastating effect on the outlook on life. After years in recovery, the brain eventually creates enough new brain cells and is able to repair the damage over time. This however, also requires a loving environment, plenty of good nutrition, a lot of rest, learning of a new inner dialogue by studying approved recovery materials, therapy and physical fitness.

When hardcore addicts reach this place of having voices in his or her head, it causes extreme self-doubt and fear of insanity. Most addicts do not understand what is happening and the cognitive complications pushes them over the edge and causes them to either commit suicide or keep on using drugs until they overdose. If someone you love has this problem, do not judge them, do not tell them they are crazy or insane. This is a serious condition and requires immediate medical help.

Helpful resource: Free Addiction Helpline (866) 535-9821

Remembering Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain would have been 45 years old today. Instead he died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound at the age of 27, on April 8th, 1994. His tox-screen confirmed he had high doses of heroin and diazepam in his blood. This was his second suicide attempt, only this time it was for real. He left behind a suicide note, a wife, a child and many who were brokenhearted to hear of his death.

What happened here? What put him over the edge?

Drug use causes a lot of damage to the brain and the body. The real fight with drugs however is often when we come down from the high. Getting sober is like a constant coming down from the high we have been feeling and have been used to for quite some time.

That is why it can be extremely dangerous to quit drugs on your own. The first six months can be hell and it is this time some of us are closest to the edge.

Don't do drugs, it's not worth it.

Recommended Reading: Sober but Stuck by Dan F.

“Sober but Stuck” is one of my favorite books for people who have been able to obtain several years in recovery and wonder if they are going to be okay. In this comprehensive book, Dan F. and several others with long-term sobriety, both men and women, go into many of the sensitive areas of day-to-day life in recovery.

From relationships, control, isolation, fear of not being enough, to resentments and financial insecurity, this eye-opening read is sure to offer a lot of perspective of what it’s like for people who are trying to find their way in a new life, after addiction.

I also recommend this book to family members who are looking for tools on how to help and be sensitive to those who are sober and succeeding with his or her recovery.

What can we learn from Whitney Houston?

Whitney Houston’s memorial service is a prime example of how people learn to talk well of those who struggled with his or her addiction, feeling sympathy for what they don’t understand, after they are dead. Yet what makes an addict? We should really start examining this question.

Whitney Houston’s cause of death has not been announced, yet everyone who followed her career knows, that addiction had taken away part of her voice, her looks, affected the way she felt about herself to a breaking point and that addiction took away her light. Drugs shattered Whitney’s spirit, accompanied by violence she experienced from her ex-husband Bobbie Brown, who battered her, degraded her and spat on her, knowing she was one of the greatest vocalists of all time.

Drugs will break and pull down even the greatest, most successful, most genius person into the hell of self-doubt, low self-esteem, lack of boundaries and all that once seemed innocent and so very precious. We are no longer the person we once were; yet we try so desperately to hold on to who that person is, while regretting our mistakes and knowing there may never be a way back for us.

We know we lose control of what has become of us and when we start making promises about all the things we’re going to do to improve; inside we know, with every promise made, we fall deeper and deeper into doubting ourselves, because we have lost our way. We lose hope and try to hide it, we lose confidence from others and we know it.

While in our addiction, there is, once in a while, a small glimmer of willingness to stop abusing drugs, but those who judge us and convince us, that in fact we are hopeless, crush it. This is part of the revolving door of the wickedness some of us never come out of. Holding on to the will and the belief of recovery is only possible if we are surrounded by those who understand that this willingness is not strong in our first two to three years of recovery. Keeping the wrong kind of company easily crushes this willingness, and if we risk being around those people and we relapse, we often do not survive.

People get tired of being judged and even more, throughout history; people have spoken out, protested, even died to end the tyranny of discrimination and oppression. On the horizon, maybe, just maybe one day, there may be a flicker of hope that people will end the oppression of those hopelessly addicted to drugs. I hope for humanity to one day arrive at this realization, because getting sober is a matter of life or death.

Whitney Houston Home Coming Memorial (Live Stream)

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Newt, SOPA, and the Cybersecurity Act of 2012


Much of the hoopla regarding SOPA, the “Stop Online Piracy Act” has died down during the past month and half.  Why?  The huge outcry by just about everyone ranging from Facebook, Google, Wikipedia, petition drives, (one by Google claiming it received 7 million signatures), and on and on, has effectively drove the message to Congress that SOPA was something that people were not happy with, even my buddy Newt and his GOP comrades were all against it. (The exceptions were with many of the large entertainments studios and some other surprising SOPA proponents).  Towards the end of January, Reuters reported that Congressman Lamar Smith, one of the originators of the bill, retracted the measure “until there is a wider agreement on a solution.”  So is it dead?  Everyone thinks it is but there is some grumbling that it has evolved into an ugly version created by Department of Homeland Security, called the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 just introduced on February 14th.  So has SOPA simply done a makeover with a new name?  Not really.  The bill introduced by Sen. Joseph Lieberman, calls for DHS to “monitor” privately owned networks and systems for “disruptions” that “would cause mass death, evacuation, or major damage to the economy, national security, or daily life”.  At least for now, it appears that it aims to go after real bad actors, especially from hackers and foreign soil from committing cyberattacks, in spite of some of the Orwellian language as interpreted by opponents of bill.  SOPA/PIPA on the other hand was interpreted as giving a means to one industry to attack another or censoring it without due process.

So will SOPA come back?  I would expect so.  Although, on January 14, 2012, the Obama administration stated that while it would not support legislation with provisions that could lead to Internet censorship, squelching of innovation, or reduced Internet security, it encouraged “all sides to work together to pass sound legislation this year that provides prosecutors and rights holders new legal tools to combat online piracy originating beyond U.S. borders…”

Bill O'Reilly: Saying What Needs to be Said

Wendy Williams Remembers Whitney Houston by Revealing Her Past Struggle with Crack

“The John & Ken Show” Suspended for calling Whitney Houston “A Crack-Ho”

KFI-AM 640 should never bring back John Kobylt or his co-host and their minions, for the deliberately hurtful comments they made about Whitney Houston. No one should ever be downgraded to such disgraceful words, that only those use, who look to create a false impression, that they are better than the person they are falsely describing.

How many people gained joy from Whitney Houston’s music? How may people gained employment because she gave her best, to be the best there ever was? Whitney Houston stood for far more than the eye could see and if she found a young woman on the street, addicted to cocaine and she would have been in position to help her, having been able to hold on to her own recovery, Whitney would have done exactly that. She would have not looked down on someone who is dying, having lost his or her way.

John Kobylt was trying to make a joke at Whitney’s expense. He is a small man and a coward. He would have never said those things about her while she was alive. Now that she is dead and can’t defend herself, we can see how jealous of her he was. So jealous, that he forgot all ethics in broadcasting, which has now cost him the show. If that’s how he has to learn that he’s just a little man trying to tear down a music titan, then so be it. It’s all very sad to me. If I were him, I’d move to another town, cause the people in Los Angeles and the Country, are going to be and are furious!

One Night of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, can Destroy a Lifetime of Safe Sex

Unplanned and unwanted pregnancies are addiction’s dirtiest little secret. When talking about drug abuse and addiction, the connection between drug and alcohol abuse and pregnancy is seldom discussed.

How many women have been too buzzed or too high, to recognize they are letting men go too far? How many men said the words “I just wanna kiss you” then “I just wanna touch you” then “I just wanna love you” and in the end, were too buzzed to be responsible about safe sex? How many women have lied and said “I’m on the pill” when they were not? How many men said “I’ll pull out” and then said “sorry, I couldn’t hold back”, all because they were too buzzed, high and plain out of it? The numbers are probably more shocking and frightening than we can imagine.

Now let’s think about all the unplanned and unwanted pregnancies because of buzzed sexual intercourse? What a sad way for a child to grow up knowing and being reminded he or she was unwanted and unplanned. Now let’s think about how many abortions? How many drug babies? How many foster children? How many addicted mothers, who keep having children? How many men who are addicted, who have STDs and don’t know, nor care that they are getting women pregnant and infected? How many women unknowingly transmit STDs? And they keep on doing it because it’s a well-kept, dirty little secret. Do we blame abortion? Do we blame drugs and alcohol? Do we blame our alcoholic or drug addicted parents?

If we think about it, there’s plenty of blame to go around. Safe sex is a serious thing and there should be nothing trivial about it. We have to take responsible measures to be safe and always remember, that when we’re off guard, we tend to not take life seriously. Let’s be safe about it. Practicing safe sex is a sober idea. Think about it.

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