Life expectancy of a meth addict: Five Years

According to Radar Online and various Australian news sources, Simone Farrow has been on the run from the law for over a month. Farrow has recently been arrested for running an international meth trafficking drug ring, ending a spree of spreading the toxic crystal brew in many parts of the world.

She once had a promising career as a swimsuit model, having modeled for well-known brands like Ed Hardy and also appeared in the pages of Penthouse magazine. A model with the success Farrow had should have gone a different path than the pages of Penthouse, followed by meth trafficking and then arrest. Did meth finally get the best of her?

Drug dealers never fully understand the harm and life-long damage they do to a person by selling them drugs. Maybe this is because they are on drugs or maybe they are just plain cold blooded. In any case, a drug dealer has really no compassion for his or her client and could care less if the person is an all-out junkie. So long as the cash rolls in and the addicts keep calling, things are fine and dandy in drug dealer world.

In the case of meth, the body can’t fight the destruction meth can do for very long. Meth eats at the insides of a person from day one. It attacks the brain, the central nervous system, skin tissue, vision and it shuts down the natural sleep cycle to name a few.

In Farrow’s arrest photos, it is obvious that the caustic poison of meth has started taking it’s toll on Farrow’s face, who has been dealing the drug also known as "ice", disguised in bath salts, out of a Hollywood high-rise apartment near Sunset Boulevard, in California. If anything is certain, Simone Farrow’s career is over. Meth has taken away all her dreams of having the future of a successful model in good standing with the community.

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