Meth use Causes Irreversible Damage

Some of the most common ingredients in meth are Benzene, Freon, Acetone, battery acid, Pheynl-2-Propane, drain cleaner, Either and Red Devil Lye.

In your average household or car repair shop these ingredients are considered environmentally unfriendly and require special methods of disposal. Yet, meth users don’t really understand just how badly they damage his or her body with meth usage.

The effects of these toxic chemicals causes loss of proper organ function and bone loss, such as the slow collapse of the jawbone. Few are actually aware that daily meth users have a life expectancy of five years, depending on usage and what physical condition a person who uses meth is in. Some drug legalizers are even crazy enough to argue drugs like meth should be widely available and legal, even though users have no concept of what they are using and if there is damage, what to do about it.

The latest new booking photos called “the faces of meth” tell a frightening story and show the true hopelessness and serious irreversible damage meth can do.

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