The illicit drug trade has a lot of dirty little secrets, especially in the fashion and entertainment industry. Young women in search of the “perfect size zero”, (shown in this picture), who want the emaciated skinny model look, know, that skipping meals and going to the gym alone, seldom does the trick for quickly desired results. Because of this, models seek out dangerous, life threatening methods to force their bodies into starvation to get the body they want. Case in point; recently arrested model and alleged meth trafficker Simone Farrow. Some aspiring models like to get their exposure in the underground club scene where they also run into the underground drug trade. There they find the drugs such as meth, cocaine or ecstasy to name a few, that have the desired outer affect models may be looking for. Some models are so desperate to fit the mold of what the fashion and entertainment industry dictates in terms of body type, that they don’t care if they are doing damage to their brain and circulatory system. They just want the desired look and are willing to put their lives on the line for it.
This is a tragedy and we have to stop it. If we look at meth, loosing weight when taking meth means loosing muscle tissue and valuable nutrients and vitamins such as niacin, essential for the brain and body to function normally. While loosing muscle tissue, the fat tissue remains because when starving the body, in the first 45 days, the body uses it’s own protein resources to survive. Then it tapers off and uses some fat tissue, but really very little. For this reason we see meth addicts who stop using gain weight like crazy because they starved the body and put it into shock, now making it convert everything into fat and storing it.
Being a size zero and having an emaciated meth body, accompanied by neurological damage and behavioral problems, should not set the standard for how a model should look on the outside. Besides, if we really knew the truth about what we are looking at, we’d prefer not to look at a meth body and would rather see a healthy body with a healthy weight.