Tim O’Keefe, Grand Forks, letter: Facts explain Alumni Association’s choice

Former Fighting Hockey player Tim O’Keefe and current executive vice president and CEO of the UND Alumni Association and Foundation had this to say today in the Grand Forks, Herald.
GRAND FORKS — There has been conjecture and criticism of the unanimous decision by the management and board of the UND Alumni Association and Foundation to lead the effort to educate North Dakota voters about the importance of voting “yes” on Measure 4, which would let UND to retire the Fighting Sioux name.

The decision came after considerable discussion and due process and was based on these factors:
** Election laws prevent UND personnel from advocating a position in a political vote, rendering the university defenseless in a situation threatening the future for its students.

** Student Senate, Staff Senate, Faculty Senate, UND administration, the Athletic Department and all 17 head coaches, along with the UND Alumni Association and Foundation, are unanimous in their support of “Yes” on Measure 4.

The strength of unanimity in our group is a powerful answer to those who have questioned our integrity and credibility.

** Student-athlete recruiting is a cutthroat business, and negative recruiting is a reality. [Read the rest of the letter]
Since Tim O’keefe has kicked off his campaign to retire the Fighting Sioux nickname, Okeefe has taken a beating from some. O’keefe has been called a sell out and others have said that he was forced to come out against the nickname by the University of North Dakota administration.  
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