Rosie O'Donnell: Let Lindsay do her Job!

 Staying busy with work is one of the best things for recovery.  But Rosie O’Donnell doesn’t seem to understand that part.  Her opinion of Lindsay Lohan is a good example of what is wrong in how we view recovery.  In this interview, Rosie O’Donnell acts like the tosspot that’s calling the kettle black.  If I had one thing to say to Rosie, it would be that she should learn to be kinder and more tolerant to those who are fighting for their life while trying to find long-term recovery.

And so, the question is, should Lindsay be taking on the role of Elisabeth Taylor?  How should we view the answer to this question?  Of all the Hollywood biographies I have read, and I have read many, the most books I have read on the life of a celebrity are those of Elisabeth Taylor. 

The late Ms. Taylor, who suffered from chronic alcoholism, had an extremely turbulent life and was extremely hard on herself.  She had a moral standard that was unique in that she would not allow herself to fall in love with a man, unless she was married to him.  As has been well documented, Elisabeth Taylor has, by her standards, fallen in love many times and therefore has married and divorced seven times. 

Taylor struggled with alcoholism and had a cycle of co-alcoholism she could not shake.  Elisabeth Taylor’s life is an example of what alcoholics call living life through “a geographic cure.”  Meaning, alcoholics think in ways of changing his or her environment rather than themselves, a dangerous system of denial.

Surely, at fist blush, Elisabeth Taylor’s story is one better suited for a more seasoned and mature actor, though we should give Lindsay Lohan the benefit of the doubt.  Every one has to move on at some time or another in their life.  The same goes for Lindsay and as far as alcoholism goes, Lindsay knows this problem well, as she struggled with alcoholism since she was a teenager. 

Rosie O’Donnell, should be more supportive of Lindsay who has had a very tough time lately and is trying to overcome serious obstacles.  Lindsay is young and ambitious and is not out to criticize anyone.  Let’s give her a chance. 

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