Whitney Houston Final Autopsy: The Horror of Addiction

"(NewsCore) - Whitney Houston's body was ravaged by scars, cuts and burns when she died, autopsy details showed.

She also had a needle mark on one arm and was high on a cocktail of nine drugs when she died in a hotel bath in Los Angeles on Feb. 11, 2012.

Years of drug and alcohol abuse had left the "Bodyguard" star with a damaged heart and liver, a hole in her nose and 11 front teeth missing.

Sources said the temperature could have been as high as 150F (66C) when she got into the tub. Evidence from police and medical teams showed swaths of skin was burned from Houston's back after she got into the scalding water. It also resulted in "skin slippage" on her legs. Six hours after her death, the water was still 91F (33C) and medical sources said she may have been so high she did not notice how hot her bath was.

Traces of cocaine, cannabis, anxiety pill Xanax, muscle relaxant Flexeril, allergy medicine Benadryl and painkiller Ibuprofen were found in her body.

Houston's lifestyle also had weakened her heart so badly that one of her coronary arteries had narrowed by 60 percent. She had marks on her stomach, chest and upper left thigh believed to be from cosmetic procedures. A scar on her left forearm may also have been self-inflicted. The 48-year-old was also scarred by decades of cosmetic surgery, alcohol-fueled fights and falls.

The official cause of death was accidental drowning with heart disease and cocaine use as contributing factors."

Read more: MyFoxLA

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